Duration: 2 days
Pre requisites: Users attending this course are expected to have mechanical design experience and to have completed the SOLIDWORKS essentials course.
This course will help you to learn robust production assembly modeling in SOLIDWORKS. Learn how to troubleshoot assemblies and make your assemblies as efficient as possible. See how SmartMates and assembly configurations can make your life easier as you work with your production assemblies. Techniques like top-down modeling, in-context features, and assembly structure editing are explained in detail as you learn how to make some of the most powerful SOLIDWORKS features work for you.
Course format:
This course is held on 2 consecutive days.
Main Topics Covered:
Parts used in the context of an assembly
Mate references
Smart Components
Auto Sizing on Insertion
Advanced Mechanical Mates
Copying Mates
Assembly Configurations & Design Tables
Assembly Feature Scope
Replacing Components
Using the MateXpert
Mirroring Components
Hole Alignment
Creating Sensors
Large Assembly Mode
Tips for Faster Assemblies
Subassemblies and Folders for Tree Management
Simplifying Assemblies