Zettlex, the Cambridge based sensors company, is enjoying a post-Brexit decision boom, taking on more staff and increasing investments in plant and equipment to cope with demand from overseas. The expansion includes a new Technology Centre in Foxton, Cambridge that will allow Zettlex to double production capacity – generating more local jobs.
Mark Howard, Managing Director at Zettlex said: “It’s a very exciting time for Zettlex with building work underway on our new technology facility. It doesn’t seem so long ago that we were starting up in a garden shed and now we’re a global company opening up sales offices in Europe and USA. Sales for Q1 2017 were our highest ever and we expect to grow at more than 30% this year, for the fifth year in a row.”
Zettlex, a valued Innova Systems customer, use SOLIDWORKS software for the design of their sensors which are used in equipment such as space rockets, surgical robots, wind turbines and unmanned vehicles. So far, Zettlex has exported sensors to 39 countries but is hoping to close deals in Brazil, Latvia and Hungary to bring it to 42.
Mark Howard, Zettlex general manager, said: “I hear that manufacturing in the UK is making a comeback and certainly if Zettlex’s experience is anything to go by, then there’s never been a better time for British exporters.
“We were worried by some of the experts who predicted a slow-down if there was a decision to leave the EU, but what we’re actually seeing is the opposite. Every manufacturer dreams of being able to say ‘we can’t make ‘em quick enough’ but that’s exactly the position we’re in. In thirty-plus years in UK engineering, I don’t think we’ve ever had it so good.”
Mark Bradford, Managing director at Innova Systems said “We support over a thousand customers in many different industries with the majority seeing Brexit as having a positive impact on business. We are delighted to see the success enjoyed by the team at Zettlex.”
Update: 27/04/2018
Zettlex were awarded the Queens Award for Enterprise 2017 shortly after this article was originally published and we’re delighted to say they have won it again for 2018!
Mark Howard, Managing Director at Zettlex said: “We’re delighted to win the prestigious Queen’s Award for a second time. Our technology is increasingly used as a critical component in some amazing machines such as surgical robots, submarines, satellite communications and space rockets. We’ve grown 60% over the last year and continue to see strong demand from all sectors and territories – notably North America and the Far East. I must say a big thank you to all our staff who have worked so hard for this success.”
Read more here: https://www.zettlex.com/royal-award-for-zettlex/